Lizzy's Lizzards
Schools Program

Lessons for primary students based on Primary Connections.

Staying Alive

Determine and discuss the needs of living things including food, shelter and water in comparison to our needs. Observe features and adaptations of lizards, frogs, snakes and turtles and how these help the animals gain their needs in their own particular environment.

Year 1
Schoolyard Safari

Observe the behaviour of small animals such as lizards, frogs and turtles including how they feed and interact with others and identify features that help them adapt to their environment and protect themselves against predators. A very hands on session promoting an understanding of diversity and how animals use different adaptations to help them survive in their own Australian habitat.

Year 2
Watch It Grow!

Investigate different cycles of birth, growth, change, reproduction and death. Why do some lizard species lay eggs and others have live young? How long do animals live and why do some live longer than others? Explore how food and heating effect the growth and development of different reptile species. A very hands on session promoting an understanding of differences in the life cycle of various reptiles and amphibians.

Year 3
Feathers, Fur, or Leaves

Explore basic classification and how scientists classify species according to their physical features, behaviour and reproduction. How are dragon lizards different from skink lizards and why aren’t they grouped together? Why are frogs not a part of the Reptile class although they look similar? We investigate body shape, physical features, reproduction and how different species adapt to their particular habitat.

Year 4
Friend or Foe?

Investigate relationships between plants and animals, predators and prey. Determine the role of plants in providing food and shelter for animals, certain adaptations of lizards, frogs, turtles and snakes such as camouflage, body features and behaviours in relation to escaping or hiding from predators. We also recognise living things as producers, consumers or decomposers and the role of each in the food chain.

Years 5 & 6
Desert Survivors

Develop an understanding of desert dwelling animals by studying the Bearded Dragons and exploring how they have adapted to survive in extreme conditions. Investigate their physical features, behaviour, diet and reproductive methods. What type of food can bearded dragons find in their natural habitat? Compare the Bearded Dragons to other species who have not needed to adapt to extreme conditions and determine whether they could survive in the desert environment. We compare skink lizards, turtles, water dragons, frogs and snakes.